Next Activewear review
I Tried A Continuous Glucose Monitor For 30 Days – My Honest Review. Was It Worth It?
I recently spent 30 days measuring my blood glucose levels with the Freestyle Libre 2 Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) and the Veri app. My goal? To give you my glucose…
Best Workout Clothes For Older Women
In this blog post we are going to be discovering the best workout clothes for older, or, shall we say the more mature woman. I’m talking workout clothes for women…
I Went On A 3 Day Hike To Unplug & Reset
First Ever 3 Day Family Hike Do you ever have those moments when you feel like life is just passing you by? Years seem to pass by at an ever-increasing…
Surprising Benefits of Walking in a Weighted Vest For Women Over 40
I tried walking with a weighted vest for 30 days, here is what happened. A deep dive into the science, my own experience and how to get started with weighted…
SHOCKING Castor Oil Results!! Anti-Aging, Dark Circles, PCOS & More
Results After Just 30 Days Of Castor Oil In this article I am going to be testing to see if Castor Oil really is the anti-aging secret we have all…