Do Fat Burning Supplements Actually Work?
In this article, is my Inno Supps review where I tested out the Female Shred Stack. I’ll be sharing my own personal experience after taking this shred stack over a 30 day period.
Most of the existing Inno Supps reviews I can find on the internet and YouTube are sponsored or gifted. Meaning that the influencer has been paid to do the review, or at the minimum has been given the product for free. This means that they have been paid in some way to promote the product and so it can be hard to decipher if it’s a completely honest review as it can therefore be biased.
Please keep in mind, this is my own personal and unsponsored experience, it is not meant as medical or health advice. You should always consult a medical professional before taking any supplements. I paid for these products with my own money so I can give you my completely honest thoughts and personal experience in this review.
This supplement company is forever on my social feeds with a constant influx of their ads preying on my insecurities of wanting to drop some body fat and just wishing it was that little bit easier.
I decided it was time to test them out!
I am someone whose digestion can be off and not always as regular as I’d quite like. It does take intention and work for me to be more regular, so their staple and one of their best-selling supplement Inno Cleanse was certainly something I had already been considering testing out after being inundated by their adverts.
Likewise, with the Night Shred, it promises to melt off fat in your sleep. I mean who wouldn’t want to be able to melt off fat whilst they are sleeping?
All of their products make pretty incredible claims and so I decided to go all in and get their complete female shred stack.
I am someone who gains and holds onto weight pretty easily thanks to PCOS, and so it can be challenging for me to maintain a lean body mass without having to diet down super hard.
My goals are always centred around health but also happiness and bringing more ease into my life. I will always work to optimise my body the best I can. I like to research the best hacks and tools that will help me to achieve that without giving up my entire life.
** Please note there may be affiliate links in this article. Which just means I may make a small commission should you choose to purchase the products at no additional cost to you.
So here we are:
I spent $148 on the female shred stack. This includes:
- Inno Cleanse – Digestive Support and waist slimming complex $43.99
- Inno Shred – Fat burner to support appetite and fat burning $54.99
- Night Shred Black Edition – Promotes sleep and accelerates fat burn $49.99
- Inno Glow – Enhances Weight loss and promotes glowing skin $59.99
- Volcarn 2000 – Thermogenic Carnitine, pre-workout fat activator $32.99
- PMS Support Prmotoes hormone balance and supports the menstrual cycle $23.99
- Bonus – Tumeric And BeetRoot – For gut and joint health was sent as a free gift $39.99
All of this is meant to attack body fat and signs of ageing.

With the stack I was also sent a protein shaker and a mini blender. The shaker container actually cracked and was leaking after one use. I haven’t used mini hand blender yeat as I already have one of these that I got some ikea that still works so I’m saving that for when the other breaks. These are super handy for mixing things like the collagen, or I also use mine for my morning matcha tea.
I liked getting these little bonuses, as who doesn’t love free gifts. It’s just a shame the shaker broke so easily. Not a good sign for their quality standards though maybe!
The Experiment
When I do these supplement experiments, I like to take them whilst not making changes to my exercise and eating patterns too much. Now I will always say that you should never expect any supplement to be the magic pill, they should be taking alongside improvements in nutrtion and training to supplement your results.
If this was a real experiment, there would be multiple people in different groups each following one slight modification to test the effectiveness of the supplements versus just dietary changes.
For example:
Group 1 – Takes supplement and told not that change diet or exercise
Group 2 – Take supplements and told to eat within a calorie deficit
Group 3 – Takes a placebo (sugar pill) and told not to change diet or exercise
Group 4 – Takes placebo and told to eat within a calorie deficit
You would then compare the results from these 4 groups over a period of time to compare which group created the most significant changes.
As I am just one person, this isn’t exactly a controlled study, or an exact science, it’s just my own personal experience.
So for this experiment and to see if it works I will continue to eat as I normally would. I eat well 80% of the time and do enjoy flexibility in my diet. Making changes to my diet would lead into the question, was it the supplements, or was it the diet that created the change.
I focus on prioritising protein and eat mainly whole foods, though I do have a sweet tooth that I am continually working on calming that down.
Sleep can sometimes be unsettled due to PCOS, and I do have an element I believe of insulin resistance. My cravings and hunger levels can be through the roof at times. In fact the last few weeks I just feel constantly hungry.
I have been working on gaining more muscle over the last 12 weeks as I have been working through the MAPS Anabolic programme (see review here) and so it could be linked to having more muscle mass right now, though equally, it could be due to disrupted sleep and hormonal imbalance. Without having regular bloodwork donw it’s hard to pin it down exactly.
So I’ll be taking note of my body measurements to see if they change and if I actually do burn any extra fat with this concoction whilst eating my normal diet and exercising as I would normally do 3-4 times a week.
I’ll be tracking my sleep to note any changes and also hunger levels.
I have recently stopped wearing my smart watch but am putting it back on for this experiment to track my sleep and note any improvements.
How to take the stack according to the guidance from Inno Supps
- Inno shred 30-6 mins before meals or workouts
- Inno glow any time in water
- PMS support 2 capsules start taking one week before the start of monthly cycle
- Volcarn 2000 30 minutes before workout
- Inno cleanse & Night shred 30 mins before bed
The Shred Stack Experiment – How It Went
I started the experiment by taking my starting weight and measurements so that I could track my progress and use these metrics as my data. It’s not an exact science but it’s the cheapest and simplest method, so it’s the one I’m going with. I’ll then re-take these again at the end to track my progress.
I’m 5 days in and the main thing has been a LOT of trips to the toilet, the Inno cleanse certainly feels like it has been getting things moving.
I feel like my belly is softer and though things have been somewhat emptied out and less hard and bloated like it can feel at times. Yet, when I step on the scale there is no sign of any weight loss.
I certainly feel like the inno cleanse is cleansing. I have been pooping more, but it’s not uncontrollable but sometimes have to go pretty pronto. It was usually first thing in the morning, but I did find I was needing access to the toilet regularly throughout the duration of the day when I’m usually a once a day type of girl.
I did feel like I had more energy in that first week. I taught my fitness class in the morning, walked the dogs and followed by an afternoon shift at my part time job. Finishing the day running around doing school pick ups, dogs again and making dinner. Usually, by the end of all of this I am completely wiped, but I surprisingly still had energy and focus to do some work in the evening which is usually when my brain feels a little fried and I just don’t have the capacity to do any work.
Im also noticing less cravings and less hunger in general and haven’t been snacking as much or even eating as much though I haven’t been tracking food closely.
More energy and less hunger is huge for me as this is always the hardest thing I am battling. I’ll keep a close eye on these feelings as it may just be placebo or the fact that I’m in a phase (in my cycle which is now hard to track due to PCOS) of feeling super motivated.
Sleep has been a funny one. I go to sleep and I keep waking up to for either the toilet or a noise wakes me up. I feel like I have been a sleep for hours and surely it’s almost time to get up. But when I check my watch it’s only been an hour or so. My Garmin data shows that there is deep sleep in that first period of going to bed, but then not much for the rest of the night.
I’d really like to see deep sleep and REM increasing, but I am always sceptical about how accurate my watch is. What is important is that I am waking up before my alarm feeling fully rested and that is always a key signal for me that helps me to feel good.
The data on my watch sleep tracking is pretty similar to what it usually is. Getting between 7-8 hours a night with around 1 hour of deep sleep and 2 hours of REM sleep. So the night shred doesn’t seem to have had much impact on this data, it hasn’t really changed and I’m getting annoyed at that one wake up.
Some supplements like Melatonin might be good for helping people get to sleep, but don’t necessarily help you to stay asleep as the effects of the hormone wear off. I had originally thought that the Night Shred contained melatonin, but I can’t see it on the ingredients list, so maybe it got taken out.

But could the same be happening, that as the ingredients wear off, I was waking from sleep?
As I am writing this it’s been over a month since I stopped taking it, and I am back to getting a full nights sleep using just a solid bedtime routine and my trusty Magnesium that I swear by for sleep.
When I started I did initially feel like my appetite was under better control. This could have just been a placebo effect, the products were working, or just that I had a really good mindset going into using the supplements with the hope that it could make an impact. I certainly was being intentional with my training, being super consistent and also mindful with eating well.
As I got towards the end of the month and the experiment any effects seemed to subside and most importantly I had lost a single measly pound.
Following on from completing my review on the MAPS Anabolic strength training programme. I have been continuing to feel stronger and increase weights on my workouts.
I have been taking the Volcron 2000 consistently. I had seen in some reviews that it made people fee a bit weird when taking, but I haven’t noticed any feelings of tingling.
Workouts have been feeling like fire. I’m not sure I attribute this to the Volcron. I take it 30 mins before a workout usually with a cup of coffee for that additional caffeine boost and also the fat burning potential that coffee may bring. But really I put the continued strength gains to hard work and good programming from the Mind Pump Programme.
I do still have some of this left and will continue to take it until its gone even though it tastes disgusting just because it’s so intensively sweet, simply because I don’t like to be wasteful.
I also wasn’t consistent with taking the PMS support. Simply because you are supposed to start taking it for 2 weeks just before the start of your cycle to help with PMS symptoms. As I have PCOS I don’t have a regular cycle that I can easily track.
Hours spent on the toilet, feeling like I certainly should have been releasing some body fat.
I get on the scales at the end of the 30 days. 1lb lost!!!!! What?!?!?!
I retook my measurements, all still exactly the same! Absolutely fewwwwmin, are you kidding me!!
So do the supplements work?
They could possibly when used in conjunction with a calorie controlled diet.
But then is the weight loss due to the products or to the supplements? To get the real answer to this we would need to conduct a more in depth experiment as mentioned earlier, where 2 groups of people follow the exact same diet and exercise regime. One group takes the supplement and one takes a placebo. You could then take the average changes and see if they are statistically significant.
So unless Inno Supps is going to fund such an experiment (which they likely wont’) we can only look at anecdotal reviews like this. But one person’s experience will rarely will display the full picture.
If you are looking at reviews please look out for those that are sponsored (paid for) and which are not to help you build for your buying decision.
Do they have magical fat burning effects, who knows? That certainly wasn’t my experience, maybe I need to put in a claim for their 30 day shrink your waist or your money back guarantee?
The supplements did not work for me in helping me to burn additional body fat even when working on training hard and being mindful of eating well.
Also keeping in mind that every body is different and responds differently to different products. I also have PCOS to deal with, which can make weight loss more challenging, this is simply my personal experience when taking Inno Supps Female Shred Stack
I also noticed that afterwards my stomach has been even more sensitive and bloated after eating certain foods. It seems to have calmed down now as I’m almot 3 weeks after stopping taking them.
So this product didn’t work for me and it’s not something I would revisit again as it was $148 literally down the toilet.
I hope this review was helpful for you.
Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or if there are any other diets or products that you would like to see me review next.
I’m working on coming back to a regular upload schedule and so I have lots more in the pipeline to help you make a more informed decision on which products are worth you investing your money on, and which are not.
And if you aren’t already, be sure to join the mailing list for the feel good tools that actually work, get the free 5-day Kickstart Guide as well as making sure that you never miss an upload.

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