I love stepping out of my comfort zone, I thrive off the thrill even if I’m completely petrified by it.
I believe it’s not only where growth and development happens, but it’s where the living happens.
It’s the memories you make, the things that you learn, and how those lessons shape the trajectory of your future.
Because when you go out of your comfort zone, and it works, you succeed at it, there is literally no better feeling. Courage and confidence will begin to flourish in these moments of achievement.
“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there” — John Assaraf
I used to push the edges of my comfort zone more often, but as I have gotten older it’s maybe a little less so. With all of the turbulence that the rona has caused over the last few years, a comfort zone has actually been the goal.
I haven’t had the headspace or the desire to push too many boundaries, as it’s been more about survival mode.
But this weekend I made a comeback of pushing those boundaries again and it revived an energy and fire within me. I’m reminded of why it’s good to do hard things.
This weekend I attended a fitness certification called MovNat, the first one in a good few years.
This style of training is around training the body and the mind to come back to natural movement patterns. To feel stable and strong and to be able to function for life in the way in which our bodies were designed to move. Connecting with nature and our breath, to be mindful around the body and how it moves.
It included crawling, climbing, jumping, hanging, carrying, throwing and how to incorporate play and fun back into fitness. Honestly, I am ALL about this. It’s not just fitness for the sake of being fit, but being fit for life, and life should indeed include more fun. I literally can’t wait to start adding more of this philosophy into all of my coaching work. I’ll be recording more online sessions for our Better Body members that will be added to the workout library so members you will be able to access the different level options at any time. Those who live locally, watch this space as I’ll be running some MovNat sessions in Morzine over the summer
But it’ wasn’t so much the course, I have done many certifications in my 18+ years in the health and fitness industry. It was the fact that I went and attended a course, in France, surrounded by people speaking french.
I have lived in France of over 5 years now, but still my french is still pretty pants. I live in a town that has a huge English community and it’s too easy to get away with not speaking the language.
I know its bad, I’m embarrassed by how just how bad I am still. I’m learning, but it’s slower than escargot’s pace. I can understand far more than I can speak BUT doing a 3 day course all in French was scary AF!
In fact, I tried to change it to a UK date, yes, I almost chickened out I was pooping my pants about it so much. I booked this last year and I wanted my french to be better than it is right now. But the universe had other ideas, the only UK dates that were available were when I already had travel plans, so I had to suck it up and stick with the original plan.
I put on my big girl pants and just went for it. I don’t think I have ever felt so awkward or uncomfortable since I first started teaching fitness some 18 years ago.
The instructor was amazing and translated anything at the moments when I would just look and clearly had no idea what he was talking about, and most of the group also spoke English, so I did get by.
Even with that, it was a massive challenge for me to just show up. Not only to take in all of the course, but my brain went into overtime trying to understand and pick out as much of the French as I could.
But I got through it, I didn’t die, I gained a new qualification, I’m sure I probably learnt some more french (I hope a little extra got embedded in this brain of mine) and I feel empowered right now.
And this is the whole point of facing the uncomfortable.
Push your comfort zone, do something that scares you every now and then, keep going after your dreams and allow yourself to feel proud.
So a question for you to journal on today:
If your future best self, a version of you ten years from now — who is strong mentally and physically, who is capable, successful, who has everything that you had ever imagined or hoped for and has lived their life to the fullest — what comfort zones would your future self be telling you to bust through? What boundaries would they have pushed? How would your future you be telling you how to live?
Take some time to ponder this question, write out some things. Really allow yourself to step into that future you and see what you come up with. You have all of that greatness within you now, because you are that person already and you would be telling yourself to go all in!
The finish the following sentence
If I was to put myself out there and go for it, i would…….
I hope this gives you the inspiration to go for something that matters to you.
I’ll be using this experience to remind myself on my journey to speaking french, to keep on being uncomfortable about speaking it, to keep on trying even if I get it wrong and to practice, practice, practice.
When was the last time you pushed your comfort zone??
Love Always
PS – If it’s your health and wellbeing that you want to push out of your comfort zone with and commit to making some positive changes you can now access a 14 day trial of Online Better Body club. Join our amazing online fitness community today CLICK HERE to find out more and join the Better Body coaching on a 14 day trial for just £14.
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