Health and fitness myths are sexy and alluring. But women need to start busting these myths to get better long term results.
weight loss tips
Why 19 Out Of 20 Dieters Will Fail
Why Most Diets Fail, And What You Can Do About It The sad truth is that most people who set out on a weight loss diet will fail. But why…
How To Get Back On Track To Lose Weight
I believe that taking time out from your regular routine is good for the mind, body and soul, but knowing how to get back on track with losing weight after…
Rebel Wilson Reveals The Secrets To Her 80lb Weight Loss
How She Did It In Just 12 Months Rebel Wilson the Aussi comic actress who rose to fame being known for her iconic Pitch Perfect character Fat Amy, decided that…
What To Do When You Can’t Lose Weight
Believe me, I feel your frustration. When it feels like you are trying your best, but that number on the scale still isn’t shifting, arrghhhhhhh!!!! Whilst some people only have…
7 Simple Weight Loss Habits That Don’t Require You To Give Up Your Entire Life
7 Simple Weight Loss Habits That Don’t Require You To Give Up Your Entire Life Life is already complicated, taking better care of your health and your body doesn’t have…