Alicia McCarvell Canadian based self-love and body-positive advocate and content creator. Married to her bodybuilder husband Scott, but according to the internet things just don’t add up.
Anyone who posts things on the web, opens themselves up to the scrutiny of strangers. And it’s the scrutiny that Alicia received in droves. Touting her as having to be a sugar Mom, or that her husband must have some sort of fat fetish.
People just couldn’t seem to get their heads around the fact that someone can love another person for who they are and that the shape of their body doesn’t dictate their worthiness of love.
Alicia posted a transition video, the kind that is pretty common on Tiktok where they start out getting ready for a night out, still in their towels. Transitioning to be glammed up for the evening out.
The video went viral, knocking up some 21 million views and in with those views rolled in the hateful and nasty comments, along with skinny girls sliding into Scott’s DM’s and telling him why they should be with them instead.
I have huge respect for Alicia for continuing to show up as herself, to and call out the trolls and snide comments.
Toxic Traits Make You Ugly
It’s exactly this type of behaviour, the sliding into the DM’s of another woman’s husband that makes you ugly. Just like the TikTok that states:
POV: When he says he’s married….. (music kicks in) bring the action!
It’s this type of video that makes these social media sites so toxic. When did we become so disconnected from the effect that our actions can have on others?
People are losing their grip on real life and what it means to be a good human, to have morals and values. Failing to have empathy and compassion to the other people who are at the other end of your words or actions.
You can have a beautiful body and face, but your lack of decency and respect for other humans is what’s making you ugly.
My dear, you put way too much value on the shape of your body.
Sexual attraction is an important part of a relationship, but if someone is with you just because of the way that you look you are never going to love and respect that you truly deserve.
What is beauty?
I believe beauty is more than what’s on the surface, it’s the depth of a person, it’s a person’s integrity, it’s how they feel about themselves.
Happiness is a big part of what makes a person beautiful.
Look at anyone that is truly happy and you can see their beauty shine through, you feel the magic that is a beautiful soul.
Beauty is in the way you hold yourself, to keep your head up high even when life, or your own self-destructive thoughts try and bring you down.
Beauty is in your strength.
Beauty is in the way you treat others with love, grace and compassion.
Beauty is in wanting to leave the world a better place than when you entered it.
Beauty is adventurous, it’s clever, funny, kind, honest and interesting.
Beauty is in the person that is unafraid to truly be themselves.
Your body is merely a shell that your soul uses as you navigate this time on earth, let it be that within you that shines so brightly outwards.
Alicia is her own kind of amazing, and I think that is pretty beautiful to see. We need more women like that in the world
What does beauty mean to you?
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