You don’t need a ton of fancy equipment to get a really good workout, you don’t even need to step inside a gym if you don’t want to.
There is so much you can do with just a pair of dumbells and some very basic things you can use as a step or an elevated surface.
Here are 5 of my best home leg and lower body workouts.
This first one is a full 30-minute workout that includes a mobility warm up and cool down stretch. Here we are going to be squatting, lunging in multiple directions, deadlifting plus many more moves to help you shape and tone your legs and booty.
Next up we have a another 30 minute session this time with the addition of a booty band if you have one available. Booty bands are a great to have at home, as they are really inexpensive, don’t take up much space but really help you target different areas on the legs and glutes.
If you don’t already have some you can get these here off Amazon.
Next Up an intense session utilising some of the same moves and with the addition of a killer abdominal section at the end.
Want to get a workout in, but you are short on time. No problem I got you covered too. This next workout is just 10 minutes long. Yep, you can still get the work done, raise your strength and energy levels in just 10 short minutes. Get in and out, job done!!
When it comes to lower body workouts a problem that I see a lot of people having is that they struggle to squat and lunge because of knee pain. Well if that’s you and you struggle a little with your creaky knees know that working on strengthening around the kneed and keeping your legs strong can help prevent further knee pain.
Give this session a go!
Let me know in the comments if you try out any of these sessions.
Also if you aren’t already subscribed then please subscribe over on my Youtube channel as it really does mean a lot and is a massive support.
Also if you have any workout requests let me know as I am working on creating more workouts very soon!!
And CLICK HERE to get your full 5 day fix programme with more home workouts included. Your ultimate kickstart guide to feeling better in your body.
Love Always
*** Affiliate links present. This just means I may make a small commission if you buy a product using my link at no extra cost to you. This supports me in being able to provide the best free content for you, and I will only ever promote products that I use and truly love.
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